International Space Days 2018
From 10th to 14th of September, representatives of our company took part in the exhibition “ISD DAYS 2018” in the Netherlands, where our company participated together with its partner and representative in Europe - DIMAC RED.
During the exhibition, B2B meetings were held with several potential partners, who were also open for cooperation with other companies in Latvian Space Industry.
Representatives of the company participated in training seminars throughout the duration of the exhibition taking into account its opportunity to work in the space industry, and also had a meeting with representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA) in order to focus on the results of joint projects that already have been implemented and discuss future cooperation plans.
The trip was implemented within the framework of the "Cluster program" project. “The Green and Smart Technologies Cluster” with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency of the Republic of Latvia concluded the Contract No. based on the implementation of this project.
No 10 līdz 14 septembrim mūsu uzņēmuma pārstāvji piedalījās Izstādē "ISD DAYS 2018" Nīderlandē, kuras ietvaros uzņēmuma bija stends kopā ar partneri DIMAC RED.
Izstādes laikā notika B2B tikšanās ar vairakiem potenciāliem partneriem, kuri ir atvērti sadarboties arī ar citiem Latvijas kosmosa industrijas uzņēmumiem.
Uzņēmuma pārstāvji piedalījās kvalifikācijas celšanas semināros visas izstādes garumā saistībā ar iespēju darboties Kosmosa industrijas sektorā kā arī notika tikšanās ar Eiropas Kosmosa Aģentūras (EKA) pārstāvjiem lai apsrpiestu jau veikto kopīgo projektu rezultātus un izrunātu nākotnes sadarbības plānus.
Brauciens tika realizēts projekta “Klasteru programma” ietvaros. Biedrība “Zaļo un Viedo Tehnoloģiju Klasteris” ar Centrālo finanšu un līgumu aģentūru noslēdza Līgumu Nr. par šī projekta īstenošanu.